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Timothy Green

Timothy Green

Pressing regimes of




































But?strong criticism from a president?s own party could cause infection.Show up for Shabbat, stand with Jewish neighbors.Trump doesn?t only mock the press, he lies to it compulsively and thus to ?the people.? In doing so, he uses another technique swiped from other 20th authoritarian regimes ??The Big Lie.When Democrats criticize Trump, it?s dismissed as partisan carping.Many have written that this is the deep, enduring threat Trumpism poses to democracy.The phrase apparently was first used by Adolf Hitler in ?Mein Kampf.What might shackle this modern Pharaoh, this incarnation of history?s dangerous clowns. Dick Meyer is the author of. He renounces nothing, apologizes for nothing; he is filled with blame for others and praise for himself.Trump is in that tradition, which is having a resurgence in Europe as well. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















'Enemy of the People': Trump's hatred of the press is for the people

pressing regimes of
Image source: static.legisocial.fr

Newer strongmen, such as Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua?s blood-soaked president, and Viktor Orban, Hungary?s illiberal prime minister, have also flexed censorious muscles.The North Korean authorities have recently allowed more foreign journalists to cover official events.North Korea?s government still exercises draconian control over the information flows in and out of the country.In a region with 4.Libya and Egypt both enjoyed brief moments of liberalisation after revolutions toppled their dictators, Muammar Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak.Even the press-freedom scores of northern European countries like Finland have dropped.? Billboards welcoming Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to Helsinki earlier in July reminded the two presidents of the kind of country they had landed in.The proposed bill would grant authorities wide powers to protect the private data of citizens, such as seeking information on political, philosophical and religious beliefs.There are only a few bright spots to be found elsewhere.

pressing regimes of
Image source: syndicatcgtsanef.files.wordpress.com

Illiberal regimes are clamping down on independent media across the world

Law on the Freedom of the Press of 29 July 1881 - Wikipedia

A plea of good faith is permitted by the courts in circumstances where the issues at stake concern matters of public interest.Although it has been amended several times since its enactment, it remains in force to the present day.This had previously enabled prosecutions of critics of the government, monarchy and church, or of those who argued for controversial ideas on property rights.Slander was regulated by a thicket of jurisprudence that had grown during the century, and numerous laws had been enacted to regulate the press and public censorship at various points during the republican and monarchist regimes of the 19th century.Courts were required to determine the truth of slanderous accusations against public officials, but where private citizens were the victims of slander the law directed magistrates to assess only the degree of offence contained in the slander, specifically forbidding investigation into the truth of the charges. Trump's hatred of the press is for the.


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Image source: www.acupression.fr

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Image source: pascalelafraise.files.wordpress.com





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